Providing context to political record of Mary Ellen Summerlin
Open Borders & Sanctuary Cities
Supports Open Borders & Sanctuary Cities
Mrs. Summerlin has personally protested against strict enforcement of immigration laws and has given financial support to candidates and campaigns fighting AGAINST the abolishment of sanctuary cities.
Immigration laws are regulated by the federal government, so what exactly is a sanctuary city and how is it relevant to Kerrville City Council? Immigration laws are enforced by federal agents however cooperation from local law enforcement is often utilized during arrest and detainment of alleged violators.
A city can become a ‘sanctuary city’ by City Council passing local laws prohibiting the use of local resources (i.e. local police) to assist in investigation, detainment, arrest or even questioning a person about immigration status.
Faced with documented proof of her true position, Mrs. Summerlin backtracked from complete denial, to now claiming immigration law is not a City Council matter. Obviously, the creation of a sanctuary city by restricting cooperation with federal authorities IS an issue to be decided by our City Council.
Former congressman Beto O’Rourke speaking on the House floor against U.S. legislation that would have effectively made sanctuary cities difficult to sustain, if not illegal. Mrs. Summerlin provided financial support for Beto’s U.S. Senate campaign in 2018 in hopes of furthering his agenda of creating sanctuary cities in Texas.