Supports Taking Your Guns

Summerlin Supports Policy to Take Citizen Guns

Mrs. Summerlin actively campaigned for Beto O’Rourke during his unsuccessful U.S. Senate campaign against Ted Cruz in 2018. By supporting Beto’s campaign with financial contributions, Mrs. Summerlin provided blanket support for his entire agenda, which included gun confiscation.


Furthermore, Mrs. Summerlin was instrumental in hosting a Beto campaign event in August 2018.


(photo credit: August 7, 2018 Kerrville Daily Times) Mrs. Summerlin seen here seated on floor at the feet of Beto O'Rourke, after providing the introduction of him at this campaign event in Kerrville August 2018.

Beto of course has since become infamous for his statement that “Hell yes” he was going to take away citizen’s guns.

After becoming a candidate in Kerrville, a city known to be overwhelmingly opposed to gun regulations, Mrs. Summerlin is now attempting to claim she does not support this position. However, her documented record of financial support and political advocacy seem to say otherwise.


(Note: financial contribution information obtained from the U.S. Federal Elections Commission)